
Igetthiserror:Error:Modulenamestreamhasnotbeenloadedyetforcontext:_.Userequire([])Descriptionofproblem:Gettingaboveerrorandexcel ...,Isthereawaytoincludejsziporpdfmakebacktobuttonsagain?AlsowilltherebeanewdocumentationhowtoimplementDataTablesintoanES6project?,Thelatestjszipversionbasedoncdnjsis3.5.0.Thejszipversionthatisshownonthedownloadspageis2.5.0(with1.10.22DataTables),TheHTML5exportbutton...

jszip error when trying to export to excel — DataTables forums

I get this error: Error: Module name stream has not been loaded yet for context: _. Use require([]) Description of problem: Getting above error and excel ...

DataTables 1.13 ES6 buttons plugin jszip and pdfmake integration

Is there a way to include jszip or pdfmake back to buttons again? Also will there be a new documentation how to implement DataTables into an ES6 project?

Is there a specific jszip version to be used for DataTables buttons ...

The latest jszip version based on cdnjs is 3.5.0. The jszip version that is shown on the downloads page is 2.5.0 (with 1.10.22 DataTables)

HTML5 export buttons

The HTML5 export buttons plug-in for Buttons provides four export buttons. This example demonstrates these four button types with their default options.


The JSZip library must be available on the page or registered with DataTable.Buttons.jszip() if you are importing modules. JSZip is an MIT licensed library ...

In Edge, getting Invalid calling object error · Issue #596 · Stukjszip

I'm using the DataTables Buttons extension, which uses JSZip to do its Excel HTML5 export. I recently upgraded to the latest version of JSZip ...

DataTables Export to Excel downloading a zip file

I am implementing export buttons on jQuery DataTables using the Buttons extension. I have all the buttons working except for the export to Excel button.


JSZip is a javascript library for creating, reading and editing .zip files, with a lovely and simple API. How to use JSZip · Limitations of JSZip · JSZip Testing · API

How to use JSZip

Create .zip files using JavaScript. Provides a simple API to place any content generated by JavaScript into a .zip file for your users. Limitations of JSZip · How to read a file · Write a file · Read local file